

"Pain don't hurt" or so says Dalton in the movie Road House. I loved that movie and I love that quote. The truth is pain does hurt, but the temporary and manageable hurt creates success!
I had the most amazing experience last year at the Denver and Minnesota Success Summits. For those of you that I was lucky enough to present to, you know that over time I have focused my energy on teaching skills, techniques, and strategies to help you get rich in real estate. I gave my first presentation to a live audience in 2006, and have since taught thousands of investors how to make money. I have written countless articles, reports, and a book. I love getting notes in the mail, emails, or people approaching me telling me how I helped change their life. Someone told me that my book helped them make an additional $50,000 this past year alone. You can probably tell that I have a passion and am driven to help people reach their goals, and now I understand that I was missing a very important piece to this mission. Most people need more than skills, techniques and strategies. Many can acquire all the information they need to make a fortune and still be broke. What most people need is the understanding of what it actually takes to be successful.
At this year's Success Summits, I tried something new. I tried to breakdown the fear that prevents us from taking action and tried to give techniques on how to move forward past the fear. I had a lot of fun with the presentation, but it also pulled a lot of emotion out of me and the audience. Multiple people told me I touched them, and it was the exact presentation they needed to hear as the try to jump start their investing. I think one of the reasons I had several people approach me in tears is because they know they have not been taking action, to avoid pain, and all that has created in their life is more pain. That is a hard thing for someone to realize. My guess is people left that presentation being hard on themselves. That is not the point. The point is, now they understand what was holding them back so that they can implement strategies to propel themselves forward. The past is the past, and serves only as an educator for the greatness that is about to come.
If you attended the presentation, you learned that our decisions are based on one of two driving forces. Pursuit of pleasure or the avoidance of pain. We talked about pain being a stronger force, and can easily dominate our decision making. The thought of experiencing pain, even if it is not physical, is scary; which is where the fear that stops us stems.
What is important to understand is that pain supports us. Success is developed by experiencing pain. If you look back through time, you will see that all successful people had to endure pain before the triumph, and that all people experiences what could be considered large amounts of pain. No one is immune to this fact. What makes successful people successful is they can embrace it and learn from it. I also believe that once you start to embrace psychological pain, and are able to reflect on it, you will have no choice but to grow and become more and more successful. Things that scare most of us, like being embarrassed, or being rejected, are things that make us stronger, smarter, and better equipped to succeed.
As we move through the year I will write more articles on the subject of busting through fear in hopes that more of you will start to implement the real estate skills, techniques and strategies that we teach. For now, I want you to understand the reason you make the decisions you make. I want you to understand that the fear is based on your attempt to avoid pain, so you can peel back the fear and focus on what the actual results of your decision. Obviously, you can mess up and create pain through failure, disappointment, and rejection, but none of that is that bad. In fact, it is necessary. Focusing on the pleasure you will get from doing the things you are afraid of will help move you forward. And you never know, if you try something... it just might work.

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